viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

 Post 8 

For me learning English has always been a challenge as personally it is very hard for me, so I have had to put more effort into it, I feel that the use of the blog taking into account the pandemic has been quite good, I have learned to write and to express myself, it has always been very hard for me.

I think it is important to always be improving and more when learning a new language, so I think I would like to continue learning to write in this language, I plan to do it talking to a friend who is now living in Canada, so every time I talk to him I ask him to chat in English to improve.

Outside of class I don't use English much, as I have always preferred music in Spanish, as I understand it. I plan to start listening to more music in this language and sing it to be able to improve my pronunciation. On the other hand, lately I have been watching series in English and sometimes I put the subtitles in English to see the writing, other times I put it completely in English and I don't put subtitles so I can get used to it and understand, even if it's just a little bit. 

The university helped me a lot to improve and perfect my English, I must admit that before entering the university my level of English was very poor, but with the passage of time and practice I have been able to learn a lot, that is why I am grateful for this. 

I know that in order to improve my English even more, I have to go and live abroad for a while, where they speak English, this has always been in my life plans.

Post 7 

For me personally, what I've been studying I've really enjoyed it, I like what I'm studying, I find that every day I learn more and more. However, if I had to make some changes I would start by taking out some maths subjects, I feel that they are important, but personally I don't like them very much, I would put more subjects on botany or the study of plants, subjects that I like very much.

In addition, I think that these last two years in terms of academic load have been quite a lot and even more if I have studied them online because of the pandemic, I feel that this has played against me because I have not had the possibility to learn in the field, which in my opinion is essential in the study of forestry sciences. 

As I mentioned before I have not been to the university much, however, the times that I have been I have noticed that the campus is beautiful, it has an old infrastructure that combined with the green spaces and the trees and plants that are there give a result that in my opinion is beautiful. 

I love sports, but I have not seen the sports infrastructure of the university, but I have heard that it is good. On the other hand, the technology on campus is good, I have had the possibility to go to the computer room.

I almost forgot to mention the university library, I think it is a fundamental part of an educational establishment, the library would change the amount of books it has, I would add more. 

 Blog 6

In this blog I am going to talk about time travel to the future, I don't particularly like this topic because I think it's best to live in the present. If I had to travel back in time to the future I think I would travel to a distant future because I have always been intrigued by what it will be like. I think at least a hundred or two hundred years in the future, I am interested in knowing if the planet is well cared for by then or if the issue of global warming and pollution could be controlled. 

I really don't want to stay in the future because that means not seeing my family, friends and loved ones anymore. That, believe it or not, scares me a lot because nowadays there are many people who help me a lot, so not having them makes me anxious. In the case that the planet is in worse conditions than it is now, obviously I would not stay because it would be a shame to see the planet where I grew up in worse conditions than it is now. 

This is my blog number 6, I hope you have enjoyed reading it and that you know me a little more about what I think about travel in the future, I will be reading you to know your positions.

 Post 4 

 My ideal job is outdoors, as I am a fan of the native forest of chile. In the future I see myself studying, caring for and maintaining the precious forests of Chile. That's why my job requires me to travel constantly, I don't worry about this because I personally love to travel and even more if it's to walk in a forest.

Personally I don't care much about the salary, as I prioritise my emotional wellbeing, if I am happy and satisfied working in what I like that would be ideal. In the future I see myself living in the south of Chile because it contains the most beautiful forests in Chile in my opinion. 

Since I am interested in the conservation of the native forest of Chile, I would like to continue to nurture studies related to the theme of conserving and managing them in a good way, and I believe that the country lacks this. 

I inherited this love for the forest from my mother and my father, and I spent my childhood living in a sclerophyllous forest that is characteristic of the central zone of Chile. When I was a child I used to look at the arbole and wonder how they work or how to make people aware of the great importance of forests. 


Post 3 

In this post I am going to talk about my dog called Tito, he is an important part of my life, he represents a lot in my life, it all started when he came to the plot of land where my mum lives in Paine, there he ran and was free. However, he had problems with a neighbour who sold eggs for a living, so he had to come to live in Santiago with my father.

This meant a big change for him because in Santiago he can't run like he did in Paine, so we have to take him out for a walk. I love to take him out for walks because I can tell that he likes it very much, and it also helps me to distract myself from my studies or other things. I usually take him out twice a day, this is when I have time, otherwise I take him out once a day. 

My dog helps me a lot when I have personal problems because I play with him, causing me to be distracted. 

In Santiago, Tito lives with a dog called Rita, she is very small in size and Tito is very tall, so it is very funny to watch them play. 

This was my post 3 I hope you like it and you have learned something about me. 

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 Post 2 

My best holidays were a whole summer, it was the summer of 2018, everything started when we went by truck with my girlfriend to Morillos to camp, where we met a group of friends, we stayed there for a week then we moved the whole group to the flat of a friend in La Serena, I personally did not know La Serena until then, I loved it, we toured a lot and went out to party. 

Then with my girlfriend we decided to go camping on a beach called Guanaqueros located near La Serena, we stayed there for a week, one morning we were on the beach and we saw a lot of dolphins passing by, it was very beautiful, much better with your partner. 

Then we went to a place called sierras de bellavista located in the andes mountain range near san fernando where we spent a week with my family. To finish, I went to see my best friend who lives in Pichilemu where we went surfing and partying.

 That was the best summer of my life. 

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 Post 8  For me learning English has always been a challenge as personally it is very hard for me, so I have had to put more effort into it,...