viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

Hi classmates!

Personally  I do not admire anyone of my field, however, I reconize some fundamental people if we analize diferents aspects in  the  study of forestal area of chile, as Claudio Donoso.
I don't know much of his life, but I do know that he passed away  this year and that he was an academic in many universitys of the country, also he was a very important investigator, forester, ecologist and writter.
Donoso published many books, one of the most important was "Forestal types of the native woods  of Chile" colaborating with CONAF. This book made a before and after on chilean way to look woods because it was one of the first books that clasificated the type of them. Also this book is a great referens for the citizen because it teaches how to look after and protect the native woods by makeing a good handling of them.

I will be reading your post to know new important people of our field!

jueves, 17 de junio de 2021


post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place.

As you know I study forestry engeniering, so I think it is very related with make Earth a better place because forest engineers manage that the enviroment don't be hurt in diferent process, also we study the diferent types of ecosystems conecting that with the wellness and production relating it with the social requestings. 

My mayor afects the earth by making a global conservative conscience, showing the people how to respet and love the nature, also helping them how to plant and grow plants and trees, teaching the importance of nature and explaining how diferents things and acttion in our lives can affects our planet.
Studying forest is very important because they can lay up big amounts of carbon which can help by reducing the carbon levels in the atmosphere and makeing the greenhouse effect less harmful.
I see myself doing this job very pleased, knowing that I am doing something that is good for all of us, humans, animals and nature in general.

Unfortunately not all the forest engineers are up to make things better in this world, there are a few of them that works for bad companies and hepl them to do ilegal things that affects the earth, but I know I will never be part of that kind of people and I know I will do everything to make my home a better place.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

post 5: A photo and its history

 My mom took my favorite picture years ago, the story behind that photo take place on the spring of year 2008, when me and my family went out for a walk to a hill and we found a gigant oak tree, we sat down to rest a while and to eat some fruit. My brother and I reached near to the tree and tried to hug it, and in that moment my mom took the photo.

That pic means so much to me and my brother because it shows the union that we have and it make us remind the storys we have on that forest and the experiences of our lives and also remind us of our origin, our home.
The photo is quite interesting because after 12 years, my family and I decided to replicate it. So we went to the hill again and we made the same poses and my mom took the new photo.
I think the result speaks for its self, I mean it can show us the same feelings that the old photo did, time make the only difference.

 Post 8  For me learning English has always been a challenge as personally it is very hard for me, so I have had to put more effort into it,...