viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

When I was a little boy I always wanted to be an astronaut and travel around the space, then I became a grown up and I saw the place I was living in, it was surrounded by nature that made me feel curious by plants.

That's why I definitly decided that I wanted to study something related with nature, so I thought many options as: Agronomy, Veterinary medicine, etc.(Any way, I really wanted to belong to Antumapu).

Finally I decided to study Forestry Engeniering because its fully completed me and woke up even more my curiosity, so now I study what I wanted and I am really happy about it, I feel like I have learned a lot, and I can apply that knowledge to the forest I live on.

I hope that in the future I will be able to work in some area environmentally friendly where I can leave a legacy and give something back to the Earth.

I hope you enjoyed my post and I will be reading yours.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2021

Hello and welcome bloggers!

My name is Javier Villarroel and I'm a second year student of Forest Engineering of Universidad de Chile. Currently I'm living in Aguila Sur (literaly it is above the hill) placed in Angostura which is the south limit of RM, so I really enjoy to take a walk on the hills and feel the nature. I consider myself very lucky for being able to live in a sclerofyl forest because I'm constantly surrounded by nature. 

About my personal life, I have a younger brother and 5 dogs, my mother is an art teacher and my father is a comunication teacher. I really want the pandemic to be over soon so I can travel backpacking my country and also to finally been able to meet my university classmates. 

 don't have any favourite food, because I like to eat a little of everithing as long as the food that I'm eating doesn't contain any animal ingredient because I'm vegetarian.

Goodbye readers and cheer up because every day is a day less of pandemic. 

 Post 8  For me learning English has always been a challenge as personally it is very hard for me, so I have had to put more effort into it,...